Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture

PHC has been continuously developing creative
and healthy corporate culture.

PHC has been continuously developing creative and healthy corporate culture.

  • Core Value

  • Respect for Diversity

  • Code of Ethics

Corporate culture which cherishes the core values

Core values are the standard for members’ thoughts and behaviors.
The members of PHC do not regard the core values as just slogan, but always strive to embody them.

Core values are the standard for members’ thoughts and behaviors. The members of PHC do not regard the core values as just slogan, but always strive to embody them.

Corporate culture respecting and tolerating diversity

PHC, the global company with business sites around the world, pursues a corporate culture that respects and tolerates diversity. By acknowledging and respecting each other’s differences, it is making a creative corporate culture that allows all members to show their full potentials.

PHC, the global company with business sites around the world, pursues a corporate culture that respects and tolerates diversity. By acknowledging and respecting each other’s differences, it is making a creative corporate culture that allows all members to show their full potentials.

Transparent and sound corporate culture complying with Code of Ethics

All members of PHC understand the significant values of ‘Code of Ethics’ underlying sustainable management, and strictly observe the ‘Code of Ethics’ to make transparent and sound corporate.

All members of PHC understand the significant values of ‘Code of Ethics’ underlying sustainable management, and strictly observe the ‘Code of Ethics’ to make transparent and sound corporate.